UNIMA Education, Development and Therapy Commission The EDT Commission is devel…

UNIMA Education, Development and Therapy Commission The EDT Commission is devel…

UNIMA Education, Development and Therapy Commission

The EDT Commission is developing its presence on the new international UNIMA website and aims to build a directory of persons, projects, organisations and companies that specialise in Puppetry in Education, and/or Therapy, and/or Development around the world.

The Commission would like companies and individuals involved in these specialist areas to submit their details for the new online directory.

Please submit an introduction of 300 to 500 words plus contact details, web links etc.

Please submit NAME; LIST OF CORE PERSONNEL and a 200-word introduction to each; an INTRODUCTION to the project/ organisation/ institute/ company; CONTACT DETAILS; link to WEBSITE.

BrUNIMA members, please submit completed entries to British UNIMA’s representative on this Commission, Meg Amsden. megamsden3@gmail.com

(Practitioners outside the UK should refer to their local UNIMA National Offices for more information.)

There is no deadline for participation in this initiative.


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