UK/ BrUNIMA Newsletter
It’s time for we British UNIMA members to take stock and start gathering our thoughts for the August BrUNIMA newsletter. It’ll go out to members on 1st August and will be uploaded to the UNIMA Internationale website later in the month. So start thinking about what you’ve done since April, where you’ve been, who you’ve met, and what’s ahead from August to December 2014. The copy deadline, unless you make an early request for a delay, will be Sunday 6th July. Please send you news using the usual channels to Nel.
Reminders will be going out to individual members this weekend. Puppet People of Britain, we mean it! We do want your news!
If you’re not already a BrUNIMA member and would like to find out just what it takes to join, contact Esther or Helen at Horse + Bamboo who moonlight as BrUNIMA’s membership team: 01706 242941
Or just take the plunge, opt for a GROUP, INDIVIDUAL or STUDENT membership, and sign up for a year’s subscription here:;jsessionid=3938F3644263BD0700B66F2E429471BF.app01.lon0?option=1&action=options_list&state=ADDCHOICE&pageid=0