The Routledge Companion to Puppery and Material Performance is due out in a few…

The Routledge Companion to Puppery and Material Performance is due out in a few…

The Routledge Companion to Puppery and Material Performance is due out in a few weeks time. Contributors include BrUNIMA's Matthew Isaac Cohen and Eleanor Margolies. It's a pricey volume so why not start persuading your library to get a copy on its shelves now!

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The Routledge Companion to Puppetry and Material Performance, edited by @[569332005:2048:Dassia Posner] (Northwestern University), @[602135002:2048:Claudia Orenstein] (CUNY Graduate Center/Hunter College) and Ballard Institute Director @[687650300:2048:John Bell] will be published July 7.

The anthology was inspired by the 2011 International Puppetry Conference at UConn's School of Fine Arts, which was organized by Posner, Orenstein, and Bell, together with Bart Roccoberton, Director of the UConn Puppet Arts Program, and @[100002935825298:2048:Janie Geiser], who heads puppetry studies at the California Institute of the Arts.

Use the discount code AT502 for 20% off from purchases at the Routledge website for month of June (

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