LONDON/ closing soon!!! until 8th June 2014 Spitting Image: From Start to Fini…

LONDON/ closing soon!!! until 8th June 2014 Spitting Image: From Start to Fini…

LONDON/ closing soon!!!

until 8th June 2014

Spitting Image: From Start to Finish
marking 30 years since Peter Fluck and Roger Law’s satirical puppets hit UK TV screens and a nation

Cartoon Museum
Monday – Saturday: 10.30am – 5.30pm
(inc. Bank Holiday)
Sunday 12 noon – 5.30pm

You can read Helen Babbs’ review in Animations Online here:

35 Little Russell Street, London, WC1A 2HH, Tel: 0207 580 8155

The Cartoon Museum – Exhibitions
The Cartoon Museum is a London museum for British cartoons, caricatures, comic strips and animation. It has a library of over 5000 books and 4,000 comics relating to the subject.

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