DENMARK/ The June 2014 issue of UNIMA-Nyt, the online journal of Unima Danmark,…

DENMARK/ The June 2014 issue of UNIMA-Nyt, the online journal of Unima Danmark,…

DENMARK/ The June 2014 issue of UNIMA-Nyt, the online journal of Unima Danmark, can now be read online on the UNIMA Internationale website. The text is in Danish but it might be worth doing your own bit of online translating to read, for example, Knud Thordersen’s topical thoughts on puppets and sport. The results won’t be perfect but you’ll get the gist. Here is the opening paragraph, albeit from the Danish via Google into not-quite-English.

“Rivalry and the Olympic Games motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger) are not something you immediately associate with puppets and puppetry. The sporting mania to measure who can run or swim faster, jump farthest or highest will be meaningless with puppets among the performers. It's just not fair when gravity is (partially) lifted as in the case of wire puppets. A sports robot if/when this is developed, will probably not be a popular competitor in the stadium. How does a doped bike rider on the way to becoming a 'chemical cyborg' compare with its well-trained, but more 'natural' companions? And where is the limit for the development of permissible technical means?”

Read the newsletter and enjoy the illustrations at the very least here:

UNIMA: Nouveau numéro de UNIMA-Nyt – Juin 2014
Newsletter de l'UNIMA Danemark

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